Allow us to tell you about our story

The vision for Created Women was birthed in Manila, Philippines, through our work with Samaritana, a ministry serving exploited women. Our nine-month experience there deeply impacted us, inspiring the launch of Created. At the time, Tampa had no Christian organization dedicated to reaching women trapped in exploitation, and we felt a strong calling to bring the lessons we had learned firsthand to our city.

As we became more aware of the extent of sexual exploitation in Tampa, we committed to a relational approach—befriending women, building trust, and empowering them to leave prostitution and other dangerous lifestyles.

By cultivating personal relationships and creating safe spaces where women can gather, engage with God's Word, and experience community, we seek to see the power of oppression, isolation, and hopelessness broken in their lives. We also recognize that lasting freedom comes through consistent advocacy, support, and equipping women to find their own voices.

As women grow in their relationship with Jesus and embrace their identity as image-bearers of God, we believe this transformation will be the foundation for them to develop and use their gifts in healthier, non-exploitative environments—leading to restored lives and renewed purpose.


Continuum of Care


We believe God affords every woman the right to speak and be heard. Therefore, we both advocate for and empower women to express themselves. We do this through advocacy, offering life skills and by partnering with other organizations to be a catalyst for change in the lives of sexually and relationally broken women, and to affect the systems that keep them bound to sexual exploitation.


Authentic relationships provide the context for nurturing spiritual growth. We hope to provide safe places of meaningful community for vulnerable women where they can journey together toward healing, wholeness, and new life in Jesus.